UV-Blaze - бактерицидные излучатели
UV-Blaze - бактерицидные излучатели

— History of the UV-BLAZE —

15 марта 2024 г.
History of the UV-BLAZE

2016 - we (mostly former SES specialists) united in a common goal: to use our many years of experience and knowledge in the field of anti-epidemic protection to produce innovative devices to combat pathogens in Ukraine. We had an idea to create a company that would produce high-quality devices with proven effectiveness (based on world-class analogues) to fight infectious diseases.
We chose to focus on the prevention of airborne infections. And this is no accident, because this area, both then and today, is the most dangerous: tuberculosis, measles, seasonal influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, and coronavirus.

2018 - we release the first UV-BLAZE irradiator, having passed the full range of preclinical tests, patented the copyright for the Invention and Utility Model.
It is no exaggeration to say that since then, we have set a new direction and standards in the domestic UV irradiator industry. We are proud to have changed this market for the better, and this is one of our main achievements in the field of anti-epidemic protection. This is evidenced by the fact that almost all domestic manufacturers of UV irradiators are now trying to produce similar irradiators to ours: shielded with louvers.

2019 - we produce about 20 types of irradiators for the prevention of airborne infections.
Our mission is to provide products of guaranteed quality, effective disinfection and safety for people.

2020 - European Innovation Management Academy EWIN, Dusseldorf (IMP3rove) recognized UV-BLAZE as one of the best innovative developments.

2021 - UV-BLAZE LLC received the National Certificate of Consumer Choice.

2022 - we work to maintain production and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

2023 - we produce a new type of UVB in plastic (which has no analogues).

2024 - we continue to work on expanding the model range.
We are the first and only company in the Ukrainian market to provide an individual range of services, including assessment of premises, calculation of the type of irradiators, determination of installation locations, installation, personnel training, instrumental measurements of parameters of effective and safe UV radiation, warranty and post-warranty service.

UV-BLAZE - clean air in your space!

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