UV-Blaze - бактерицидные излучатели
UV-Blaze - бактерицидные излучатели

— Natural ventilation in enclosed spaces —

03 марта 2024 г.
Natural ventilation in enclosed spaces

Natural ventilation is one of the most important measures to reduce the risk of transmission of aerogenic and droplet infections in closed spaces. Although this is one of the available measures, it requires a lot of effort to use it effectively: developing a ventilation schedule, monitoring compliance with the schedule, conducting complex laboratory measurements and calculations to determine the volume of clean air that enters the room, having convenient windows, trained staff in each room, and developing an SOP that takes into account changing weather conditions.

In practice, the effectiveness of natural ventilation is significantly reduced in hot and cold weather.

Shielded ultraviolet irradiators are recommended for use in rooms with a high risk of aerogenic transmission of germs. They really effectively complement natural ventilation and efficiently disinfect rooms even in poor environmental conditions.
It is enough to make a little effort to ensure their professional installation. And then they work efficiently, without additional further interventions.

UV-BLAZE UVB irradiators comply with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 882 of 06.05.21 "On approval of sanitary and anti-epidemic rules and regulations for the use of UV bactericidal radiation for air disinfection..."; are easy to maintain; have proven effectiveness; are medical devices; are guaranteed to protect against viruses and pathogens in the air (including measles, tuberculosis, smallpox, coronavirus, etc.).
Protect yourself properly!

UV-BLAZE works in any weather!

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