UV-Blaze - бактерицидные излучатели
UV-Blaze - бактерицидные излучатели

— What is "Disease X" —

06 марта 2024 г.
What is "Disease X"

"Disease X" is an abstract term used to refer to potential medical threats that may arise in the future. It can be a new infectious disease that will emerge due to mutations in viruses or bacteria, or other medical problems such as drug resistance or other new diseases. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, a new "disease X" will be a major challenge for the medical field. However, there is still time to increase the readiness of your medical institution to any threats. Currently, there are three main ways of transmitting infections in the context of the epidemic: contact, droplet and airborne. 

The airborne route of transmission for the future "disease X" is of the greatest concern because the airborne route of transmission is very difficult to control. The microorganism easily travels long distances and flies to other rooms. Moreover, microorganisms characterized by droplet transmission can be transmitted through the air in rooms with insufficient ventilation.

In a healthcare facility, up to 30% of all infections are transmitted through "dirty" air. There is already a chance of contracting the tuberculosis pathogen, which is almost impossible to treat with antibiotics.

Natural ventilation is not a reliable infection control measure to reduce the risk of aerogenic transmission of infections due to the variability of weather conditions and the human factor. That is why it is recommended to use additional measures to disinfect the air in high-risk areas. When professionally installed, shielded ultraviolet irradiators show significant efficiency, they are safe for occupants of the room, and are easy to use.

By choosing UV-BLAZE shielded irradiators, you automatically receive professional advice on their installation and use. Thanks to this combination, you not only increase the readiness of your medical facility for future threats, but also get a significant reduction in the risk of airborne germs due to effective air disinfection.

UV-BLAZE - clean air in your space!

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