We are the developers of innovative UVGI fixtures UV-BLAZE.
1. Our team consists of infection control specialists, epidemiologists and scientists.
2. All UV-BLAZE products are patented and certified medical products.
3. For the production of Upper-Room UVGI Fixture, we use only high-quality components, thanks to which all devices are safe, efficient and can be used day and night in the presence of people.
4. All UV-BLAZE products are pre-clinically tested and 100% effective.
5. We organize delivery in Europe and provide prompt replacement of the broken device.
6. Upper-Room UVGI Fixtures are recommended for use by the CDC, WHO as part of airborne precautions.
They are recommended to be used indoors where there is a high risk of infections airborne transmission (for example, conduction of aerosol-generating procedures, inadequate ventilation, presence of sick people) during the work process.
For example, in heaith care facililies, dental clinics, shelters, offices, a cafe, gyms, kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions, public places, etc.
UV-BLAZE are Upper-Room UVGI Fixtures that effectively disinfect indoor air in the presence of people 24/7.
UV-BLAZE prevents the airborne transmission of COVID-19, tuberculosis and other pathogens.